Anna Ehrenstein, 2022, 14’

Over the last century technology has not solely transformed mobility, but the entire planet. The acceleration of movement and the speed in which we ourselves are ever more enmeshed into digitized technology are two major features shaping the age of hyperobjects. TFC is a marriage of facts and fabrication based on various collaborations with people that migrated to or from Senegal’s capital and its virtual and analogue diaspora.

Anna Ehrenstein

Anna Ehrenstein works in transdisciplinary artistic practice with  an emphasize on research, pedagogy and collaboration. She works in lens based media, installation, social moments and writing. Her works circulate around the material culture of the periphery,  networked images and ecologies in our interconnected state of prosumption. The materialization of intangible data is as much part of her installation process as community and collectivity. She works in precarious assemblage with a large number of groups through south-south collaborations and believes in the radical possibilities of spiritual coalition, ritual and collective unlearning, by way of redistributing global north resources.  Born in Germany to Albanian parents with transottoman ancestry: Albanian, Turkish, Kosovar & Egyptian; she is interested in concepts of plasticity,  creolisation, myths, islamic & proto-science fiction and popular culture.

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