Giovanni Piperno, 2014, 10’

Italy is a country of Madonnas who cry, bleed, appear to the faithful. The Saints repeat miracles every year, their images . What does this need for Saints and Madonnas tell us about us? This continuous wait for the miracle?

Giovanni Piperno

Giovanni Piperno (b. 1964, Rome) holds a photography degree from the Istituto Europeo di Design. After working as a photographer for Italian newspapers, he transitioned to the film industry in 1987. His directorial achievements include award-winning documentaries such as “The explosion” (Turin Film Festival 2003) and “The beautiful things” (Venice Festival 2012, Best Italian Documentary 2013). His short film “Almost Heroes” won the Nastro d’Argento in 2016. Since 2017, he has been the president of the Perugia Social Film Festival and a board member of the 100 Authors association.

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