Sara Passerini, 2024

The unexpected proximity to an animal influences our perception of reality, relating to our subconscious, our inner visual memory and symbolic collective imagination. 

In these nocturnal encounters animals, facing us for a moment, reveal the possibility of a dialogue that goes beyond human language and intellect. 

Simply looking at us with their individual or collective identity they introduce us to an instinctive connection with things and a different sense of belonging, opening a chink to a natural dimension we can foresee overturning our anthropocentric point of view. Like guardians they both keep and reveal the presence of a world next to ours, a space without name and without project in which they freely trace their path.

Sara Passerini

Sara Passerini is an Italian visual artist. Through photographs, videos, performative actions and installations her artistic practice explores everyday life in search of a glimpse of a hidden dimension of human, animal, social and natural living. Between vision, imagination, technology and memory the image acts as a threshold, a connection in which ancient and contemporary merge into possible evolutions. The space of the image, explored through a constant dynamic, generates endless possibilities and opens to multiple new rediscoveries.

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